November 3, 2022
Es temporada de dar y regalar. Y que mejor manera de cerrar el año que apoyando a nuestros estudiantes a viajar por el mundo, descubrir un nuevo potencial y abrir un mundo nuevo d...
October 21, 2022
Beginning on Monday, teachers will collect ticket money and tickets will be sent home with your student. HS and MS can be purchased in the office. Pre sale price $4 per person (In...
October 21, 2022
Este lunes, comienza la preventa de boletos. Mande el dinero a la maestra de su estudiante y les mandaremos sus boletos. Estudiantes de HS y MS venta de boletos en la oficina. $ 4...
July 29, 2022
Football season begins in September! Our team has been working extremely hard in summer pride and are looking forward to a successful football season!
July 29, 2022
Class Today at 4:00 PM! In our Connected Community Class we partner with parents to focus on the needs of both the parent and the child. Sign up here ¡Clase hoy a las 4:00 P...
July 29, 2022
Due to unforeseen circumstance, we will be postponing sending out the link for enrollment until Friday, July 29. Thank you for your understanding as we try to make everything go a...
July 29, 2022
We are rolling out a new enrollment system for this 2022-2023 school year and will be using Infinite Campus for all enrollments. This means that you will now be able to use one li...