School Supply lists for all 3 schools have been updated for the upcoming 2024/2025 school year. Visit the link below to see what your child needs. https://www.crookedoak.org/o/coms/page/school-supplies
Las listas de útiles escolares de las 3 escuelas se han actualizado para el próximo año escolar 2024/2025. Visite el enlace a continuación para ver lo que su hijo necesita. https://www.crookedoak.org/o/coms/page/school-supplies

🎉 We are looking for new kindergarteners!✨ Children who are 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024, are eligible for our fantastic public school Kindergarten program.
📚 Our full-day, dual language Kindergarten, offering 50% English and 50% Spanish instruction, is available at our school! 🌟 Join our academy designed especially for students who have never attended school before. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity – sign up today! 🏫🎈 https://forms.gle/VuK7kurKGLTkQMaZ7
🎉 ¡Estamos aceptando nuevos estudiantes de kinder!✨ Los niños y niñas que tengan 5 años antes o el 1 de septiembre de 2024 son elegibles para nuestro fantástico programa de Kindergarten de escuela pública.
📚 ¡Nuestro programa de Kindergarten de día completo y enseñanza dual, con 50% en inglés y 50% en español, está disponible en nuestra escuela! 🌟 Inscríbete en nuestra academia diseñada especialmente para estudiantes que nunca han asistido a la escuela antes. No se pierda esta increíble oportunidad, ¡inscríbase hoy! 🏫🎈https://forms.gle/VuK7kurKGLTkQMaZ7

¿Tiene un hijo que comenzará pre-k o kínder en agosto? Ofrecemos una academia del 22 al 25 de julio, de 9:00 AM a 11:00 AM. Su hijo desarrollará habilidades sociales, emocionales y académicas, y conocerá nuestro programa bilingüe. (Un padre debe estar presente de 9 AM a 11 AM). Siga el enlace para registrarse: https://forms.gle/VuK7kurKGLTkQMaZ7
Do you have a child starting pre-k or kindergarten in August? We are offering an academy from July 22nd to 25th, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Your child will develop social, emotional, and academic skills, and learn about our bilingual program. (A parent must be present from 9 AM to 11 AM). Follow the link to register: https://forms.gle/VuK7kurKGLTkQMaZ7

📢 Crooked Oak is Hiring! 📢
Did you know that Crooked Oak is conveniently located at 15th and Eastern, close to downtown Oklahoma City? We are a unique and independent Dual Language school district with a vibrant community. Our campus consists of three schools: elementary, middle, and high school.
If you're passionate about education and ready to make a positive impact, apply today to become a part of the Ruf-Nex Family! 📢 Crooked Oak is Hiring! 📢
Did you know that Crooked Oak is conveniently located at 15th and Eastern, close to downtown Oklahoma City? We are a unique and independent Dual Language school district with a vibrant community. Our campus consists of three schools: elementary, middle, and high school.
If you're passionate about education and ready to make a positive impact, apply today to become a part of the Ruf-Nex Family! https://www.crookedoak.org/page/certified-openings/

We are currently hiring for Elementary and Middle School Assistant Principals. See all available positions here and apply!

🎉Exciting News from Crooked Oak Public Schools! 🎉
Pre-K Pre-Registration for the 2024-25 School Year is now open! https://forms.gle/UcXXdNN113sVPc1n9
Secure their spot for Pre-K at Central Oak Elementary, where our unique Dual-Language Program offers instruction 50% in English and 50% in Spanish.
📋 **Enrollment Requirements for August:**
1. 📄 State-Certified Birth Certificate
2. 💉 Immunization Record
3. 🏡 Proof of Residence (transfer students are also allowed to request a spot.)
🎈 **Eligibility:**
- Children must be 4 years old and potty trained by Sept. 1, 2024
🎉 ¡Emocionantes noticias de las Escuelas Públicas de Crooked Oak! ¡La preinscripción de Pre-K de para el año escolar 2024-25 ya está abierta! https://forms.gle/UcXXdNN113sVPc1n9 🎉
Asegure su lugar para Pre-K en la Primaria de Central Oak, donde nuestro exclusivo Programa de Doble Lenguaje ofrece instrucción 50% en inglés y 50% en español.
**Requisitos de inscripción para agosto:**
1. Certificado de nacimiento
2. Registro de Inmunización
3. Prueba de residencia (estudiantes que viven fuera de nuestro distrito también pueden llenar una solicitud
**Elegibilidad:** Los niños deben tener 4 años de edad y estar entrenados para el baño antes del 1 de septiembre de 2024.

Class of 2024!!!
Come pick up your diplomas and transcripts today through next Tuesday (6/11/24) from 9 am-1 pm in the HS office.
You must come pick them up yourself. We will not release any of your official paperwork to anyone else. If you cannot come pick it up, please email Ms Knight at LKnight@crookedoak.org.
We will let everyone know when the yearbooks come in.

We are taking preorders for state powerlifting shirts until June 15th.
$16 XS to XL
$18 for XXL-XXXL
Please complete this form for your order: https://forms.gle/noHJxGo625QpLD9p6
Shirts will be available for pick up at administration by the end of June.
Go Ruf-Nex!

Crooked Oak Public Schools has the following job opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year. Please have anyone interested to apply here:
Band Director
Secondary English Teacher
(2) Special Education Teachers
In School Placement (IHS) Monitor

Este año 15 graduados reciben el certificado y cordones de honor del Sello de Bilingüismo/This year 15 students are the recipients of the Seal of Biliteracy certificate and honor cords

RufNex Recognition: Congratulations to Senior, Samaree Crutcher who will be attending OSU in the fall to get her degree in nutritional science as she seeks to become a dental hygienist.
RufNex Reconocimiento: Felicitaciones a estudiante, Samaree Crutcher, quien asistirá a OSU en el otoño para obtener su título en ciencias de la nutrición mientras busca convertirse en higienista dental.

May 13th - Senior Walk Through
May 15th - Senior Awards Ceremony
May 16th - Senior Sunset
May 17th - Senior Graduation
13 de mayo - Caminata para seniors
15 de mayo - Ceremonia de de premios y cordones para seniors
16 de mayo - Atardecer para seniors
17 de mayo - Graduación de seniors

RufNex Recognition: Congratulations to Senior, LaNyia Hill who will be attending Oklahoma State University to major in Nutritional Sciences. She has big plans to pursue her PA and ultimately become a medical doctor.
Reconocimiento RufNex: Felicitaciones a la Senior, LaNyia Hill, quien asistirá a la Universidad Estatal de Oklahoma para especializarse en Ciencias Nutricionales. Ella tiene grandes planes para perseguir su licensia como asistente medico y finalmente convertirse en doctor.

Last night, for the 12th year in a row, we had the opportunity to celebrate Crooked Oak Students' completion of the Federal Reserve Student Board of Directors program. The Student Board of Directors program prepares students to become knowledgeable citizens by increasing understanding of economic, financial and occupational topics through collaboration with peers and business leaders. This year, 5 Crooked Oak High School Seniors were selected to participate. Kathleen Najera, Miranda Lares, Gunnar Pierce, Jackie Martinez, and Diego Sabedra completed sessions with topics like "Paying for College", "Business Etiquette Luncheon", and "Economic Impact of the OKC Thunder". That included a visit to the OKC Thunder business office. The program concluded Thursday evening with a banquet to celebrate their accomplishment.
Anoche, por 12º año consecutivo, tuvimos la oportunidad de celebrar la finalización del programa de la Junta Directiva de Estudiantes de la Reserva Federal por parte de los estudiantes de Crooked Oak.
El programa de la Junta Directiva Estudiantil prepara a los estudiantes para que se conviertan en ciudadanos informados ayudándoles a aprender y comprender temas económicos, financieros y ocupacionales a través de la colaboración con compañeros y líderes empresariales.
Este año, 5 estudiantes de último año de la Escuela Secundaria de Crooked Oak fueron seleccionados para participar. Kathleen Nájera, Miranda Lares, Gunnar Pierce, Jackie Martínez y Diego Sabedra completaron sesiones con temas como "Pagar la universidad", "Almuerzo de etiqueta de negocios" e "Impacto económico del OKC Thunder". Eso incluyó una visita a la oficina comercial de OKC Thunder. El programa concluyó el jueves por la noche con un banquete para celebrar su logro.

Variety Care is now open for pediatrics (18 and under) but will be adding adult services at a later time. We are grateful for their partnership to assist our families!

Dear Parents and Guardians, we want to address the topic regarding the wearing of customized stoles purchased from vendors outside of our school for graduation. On May 15th, our school will host an award and robing ceremony where we will be presenting awards to students based on their academic achievements, involvement in school activities, sports participation, and those who have been with us since Pre-K/Kinder. This event is an opportunity for us to recognize and reward the hard work of our students. In the past, some students have purchased customized stoles. We want to emphasize that we do not want to send the message that students can opt out of participation and still purchase their own stole. However, if you have already purchased a stole, your child may wear it at the robing ceremony on Thursday, May 15th. Please note that only stoles and cords provided by Crooked Oak will be allowed at the graduation ceremony on Friday, May 17th. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. ----- Estimados padres y guardianes, queremos abordar el tema con respecto al uso de estolas personalizadas compradas a vendedores fuera de nuestra escuela para la graduación. El 15 de mayo, nuestra escuela organizará una ceremonia de reconocimientos donde presentaremos premios a los estudiantes en función de sus logros académicos, participación en actividades escolares, participación deportiva y aquellos que han estado con nosotros desde Pre-K / Kinder. Este evento es una oportunidad para que reconozcamos y recompensemos el trabajo de nuestros estudiantes. En el pasado, algunos estudiantes han comprado estolas personalizadas. Queremos enfatizar que no queremos enviar el mensaje de que los estudiantes pueden optar por no participar y aún así comprar su propia estola. Sin embargo, si ya ha comprado una estola, su hijo puede usarla en la ceremonia de reconocimiento el jueves 15 de mayo. Solo estolas y cordones proporcionados por Crooked Oak serán permitidos en la ceremonia de graduación el viernes 17 de mayo. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación con respecto a este asunto, por favor siéntase libre de comunicarse. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación.

REMINDER: No school on Friday, April 19th ----- RECORDATORIO: No hay clases el viernes 19 de abril

RufNex Recognition: Congratulations to Senior, Irvin Cortinas. Irvin Cortinas, a proud member of our school, has been active in JROTC, served as our mascot and homecoming King, and is now looking forward to starting the welding program at Metro Tech after graduation.
RufNex Reconocimiento: Felicitaciones a Senior Irvin Cortinas. Irvin es un miembro orgulloso de nuestra escuela, ha estado activo en JROTC, sirvió como nuestra mascota de la escuela y el Rey del 'homecoming'. Después de graduarse, comenzará el programa de soldadura en Metro Tech.

**Calling all Juniors (11th graders) this is your last year to apply for OK Promise! The deadline is June 2022. Please contact Ms. Boeckman (high school counselor) or Mr. Horton (middle school contact) or Mrs. Morales (family coordinator) for more information.
**LLAMADO A TODOS LOS JUNIORS (GRADO 11) ¡Este es su último año para solicitar la Beca de Promesa OK! La fecha límite es el 2022 de junio. Por favor contacte a Mrs. Boeckman (consejera de la high school) o al Mr. Horton (contacto de middle school) o Mrs. Morales (coordinadora familiar) para más información.

REMINDER: No school on Friday, April 12th
RECORDATORIO: No hay clases el viernes 12 de abril