Join us on Monday, January 16th for the MLK Parade! (No school that day).
-When: Monday, Jan 16th
-Where to meet: Crooked Oak Campus at 12:30 PM
-Where parade will take place: Downtown OKC, 600 N. Walker Ave.
-Who can join? Alumni, students, parents, families, teachers
-What should we wear? Dress warm with comfortable walking shoes
-What should we bring? Candy to pass out!
Transportation will not be provided. All students must be accompanied by an adult. We will meet on our school's campus and all drive separately to the parade. Contact Ms. Morales for more info: (405) 677-5252 ext 108.

We had the pleasure last night to present an award 🥇 to Mr. James Booth for his dedicated years of service as a mentor and volunteer to Crooked Oak. His daughter, Dr. Jalisha Booth, accepted the award in his honor. After Mr. Booth’s passing she started a foundation in his name to help support student athletes through mentorship and scholarship. We are happy to know she continues his valuable legacy of helping the community! 💝
Do you know a student that needs basketball shoes?? Have them apply here…
💻 https://airtable.com/shrSLpOrm9bibk9F9
Would you like to support this 501(c)3? Please donate here…
💰 https://www.jamesboothfoundation.org/donate/

Join Crooked Oak in honoring Dr. King’s legacy by taking part in the annual MLK Parade on Monday, January 16, 2023! Downtown OKC, 600 N Walker Ave (School will not be in session that day).
Contact Ms. Morales to donate candy to pass out during the parade or supplies for our students to decorate! All teachers, students, sibling and friends are encouraged to attend. We will have more information next week.

Congratulations to Jason Smith named Teacher of the Year and Micah Underwood named Support Staff of the Year! We are proud to have you at Crooked Oak!

Welcome back and Happy New Year, Ruf-Nex! We look forward to another great year! Comment below your New Year's Resolutions for your entire family.
Example: Get Unplugged
These days, we spend so much time with electronics. When was the last time you spent a day without watching TV or staying glued to your cell phone? Set a goal of spending at least one day a month (if not per week) without your phone and instead, enjoy the outdoors, a board game, or a good book!

¡ Gracias a todos nuestros voluntarios y donadores, estamos endeudados con ustedes!/Thank you very much to all of our volunteers and donors #COPosada we appreciate you! Marisol Escobar, Tania Cortez, Damaris Salazar, Maria Castro Miranda, Alma Morales, Marisol Escobar, Alejandra Duran y nuestro talentosos estudiantes/and our talented students Daniela M., Saira S., Miguel A., Edwin G., Andy R. Elsy V., Fernanda R., Francisco H., Emiliano H., y todos aquellos presentes que nos apoyaron/ and everyone else that came to support us!

Diversión de invierno/Winter fun #COPosada

Así nos gustan nuestras posadas/This is how we like our posadas

Los esperamos hoy/See you here!

Necesitamos donaciones/Donations needed. Time- Selling, activities, organizing/Tiempo. Ayudando a vender/limpiar/organizar. Making/Buying and Selling food or drinks/Haciendo y vendiendo comida o bebidas. Funds/Donacion monetaria. Mande mensaje a/Email or text Ms. Rose to donate brose@crookedoak.org/405.850.4989

Hoy es #GivingTuesday es el día 29 de noviembre, un día mundial dedicado a dar y colaborar con causas sociales y que mejor que darle oportunidades a nuestros estudiantes/ Today is #GivingTuesday a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. What a better time to GIVE our students new opportunities!

Save the date! Dec 8th during the Family Fun Night event/Agenda la fecha. 8 de Diciembre durante la Noche de diversion Familiar. Donations needed. Time- Selling, activities, organizing/Tiempo. Ayudando a vender/limpiar/organizar. Making/Buying and Selling food or drinks/Haciendo y vendiendo comida o bebidas. Funds (drop or mail your donation to Ms. Rose at the HS)/Donacion monetaria(Mande su donacion a Miss Rose en la preparatoria).

Secondary Library Book Fair November 14th-18th
Visit https://www.scholastic.com/bf/crookedoakmiddleschool for more details.
Feria del Libro de la Biblioteca Secundaria del 14 al 18 de noviembre
Visite https://www.scholastic.com/bf/crookedoakmiddleschool

Ofrenda Contest Winner is Ms. Prierce's class/La clase ganadora del concurso de Ofrendas es Ms. Pierce. Thank you for your support/Gracias por su apoyo.

We are looking for high-quality substitutes. Preference given to bilinguals, bachelor's degree, and former teachers. $120 compensation. Contact Brad Richards brichards@crookedoak.org for more information.

Concurso de Ofrendas. Vota por tu ofrenda favorita. Manda a tu maestra $1 por cada voto. No hay limite de votos. Apoya a tu clase. Viernes es el ultimo dia para votar. La clase gandora recibira una Fiesta de Calaveritas.
Ofrenda contest! Vote for your favorite ofrenda. One vote is $1, send it to your teacher and support your class. Friday is the last day to vote. The class with the most votes will get a Calaverita party!

Tis the season of giving. There is no better way to end the year than by supporting our students to travel the world, unlock new potential and open a world of possibilities/Esta es la temporada de regalar. Y que mejor manera de cerrar el año que apoyando a nuestros estudiantes a viajar por el mundo, encontrar un nuevo potencial y abrir un mundo de posibilidades. This week is you can support Carlos

We had a blast last night! Thanks to those that joined us for the super hero fun. Special thanks to those families who donated and volunteer to make this a great event @DanielaHernandez @DamarisSalazar @fanisaavedra @armidalongoria-longoria @maribelhernandez
Nos divertimos muchisimo. Gracias por acompañarnos en diversion de super heroes. Agradecemos especialmente a las familias que cooperaron y nos ayudaron a crear un gran evento.

HOY, cupcakes, tamales, aguas frescas, balie y mas! Los esperamos en el Oil Slick/ TONIGHT, cupcakes, tamales, aguas frescas, dancing and more! See you at the HS Oil Slick

Due to plumbing issues across the district, we are cancelling school tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct 25.