UPDATE! A huge Thank You to Commissioner Blummert and Commissioner Maughn that listened to our requests. Mr. Richards atteneded and spoke at the County Commissioner's meeting this morning and a site was chosen at SW 54th St and S. Newcastle Road. The site will now go to the OKC City Council for vote. Crooked Oak needs your help. The Citizens Bond Oversight Advisory Board has 4 sites they are looking at to put the new Oklahoma County Jail. Please email commissioner Brian Maughn at brian@okcounty.org to kindly let his office know you are not in support of a jail being by our Crooked Oak sports facility. As you know we just passed a bond issue to improve that site and want a safe facility for our students. The property they are considering is at 1901 E. Grand Blvd.
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
call to action
🚨Events this week! 🚨 - Thursday, September 28th – Get COnnected! Are you having difficulty with Rooms/Infinite campus? We will have a come and go event this Thursday from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM in the Oil Slick (high school) to assist in English and Spanish. - Thursday, September 28th – Picture day! - Saturday, September 30th – Fiestas de las Americas Parade! We will meet at Crooked Oak at 9:30 AM and plan to be back by 1:30 PM. Follow our school bus in your own vehicle. If you cannot attend, you can still donate candy.
over 1 year ago, Coordinadora para Familias
The field is getting fresh paint! We hope to see everyone tonight at the football game vs Purcell! If you see a coach thank them for all their hard working making the stadium ready for Friday nights and high five a player! Go Ruf-Nex!!!
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
FREE DRESS DAY OPPORTUNITY: -High School & Middle School: Free Dress day on Wed 9/27 if you bring a bag of candy that morning. Also, fb message us a photo of a loved on to share on our Parade Altar. ---------------------------------- OPORTUNIDAD PARA EL DÍA DE VESTIMIENTA GRATIS: - Escuela secundaria y escuela intermedia: Se le permitirá vestimienta gratis]si trae una bolsa de dulces el miércoles 9/27. Debe entregar los dulces en la oficina para su pase. También, mandenos un mensaje con una foto de un ser querido para compartir en nuestro Altar de Desfile.
over 1 year ago, Coordinadora para Familias
Thank you to those who voted today. We are excited to announce the bond passed! With the passage of this bond we can continue to build our campus into not only a place our community can be proud of, but a place where students can learn to be the best versions of themselves!! Go RUF-NEX!! ⚽️🏈🥎👟
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
Just a reminder that Early Release is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 13, 2023!!! Don't forget that your attendance still counts Este es un recordatorio de que mañana miércoles 13 de septiembre salimos temprano!!! No se les olvide que su asistencia aun cuenta.
over 1 year ago, Crooked Oak High School
Reminder!!! Today is the day. Polls are open until 7 pm at all your regular polling locations. Please support our students at a proposed no tax increase. New track, turf football, softball & soccer fields. Bleachers, press box, concession, restrooms, scoreboard & lighting. Thank you for your support.
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
Reminder, voting is TOMORROW! Please support our students at no projected tax increase!
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
A letter from our superintendent.
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
bond issue
Due to recent events we are reminding everyone of our spectator procedures. We hope to make our school and events as safe as possible for everyone to enjoy.
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
Decades Day!!! Tomorrow is Beach Day Día de las décadas! Mañana será dia de la playa 🏖️
over 1 year ago, Crooked Oak High School
Decades Day 2023
Decades Day-2023-1
Reminder: No school Tomorrow! We will be back on Tuesday, September 5th. RECORDATORIO: No hay clases mañana. Volvemos el martes 5 de septiembre.
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
2023 COHS Football Homecoming Dress Up Days Días de vestimenta para El Homecoming de Fútbol Americano de COHS 2023
over 1 year ago, Crooked Oak High School
2023 Football HoCo Dress Up
New short sleeve shirts available at the administration office! Sizes youth small-adult XL $10.00 XXL-XXXL $12.00
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
Our JRROTC cadets getting their food handlers license as they gear up to work the first OU concession stand of the season. Our cadets always do a great job of representing CO out in the community! Nuestros cadetes de JRROTC están obteniendo su licencia de alimentos mientras se preparan para trabajar en el primer puesto de comida en OU de la temporada. ¡Nuestros cadetes siempre hacen un gran trabajo al representar a CO en la comunidad!
over 1 year ago, Laura Knight
ROTC food handlers
This week in sports
over 1 year ago, Thad Cunningham
This Week in Sports
We are excited to announce our upcoming bond issue at no proposed tax increase! Vote September 12th Polls open 7 am - 7 pm at your regular polling location. The bond issue will be for: Athletic Sites to include a New Track Turf Football/ Soccer Field Turf at Softball Field Bleachers, Press Box, Concession Restrooms, Scoreboard & Lighting
over 1 year ago, April Bennett
over 1 year ago, Thad Cunningham
MS Softball
over 1 year ago, Thad Cunningham
Our first day of "Reading with a Ruf-Nex" was a success! Thank you to all the athletes that dedicated time to reading to our elementary students.
over 1 year ago, April Bennett