Our first day of "Reading with a Ruf-Nex" was a success! Thank you to all the athletes that dedicated time to reading to our elementary students.
Our first day of "Reading with a Ruf-Nex" was a success! Thank you to all the athletes that dedicated time to reading to our elementary students.
Softball Games are canceled today dues to extreme heat! Our athletes health and safety is always of our upmost concern!
¡Bienvenidos a todos los estudiantes! Empezamos un emocionante nuevo año escolar lleno de oportunidades para aprender y crecer.
No dude en comunicarse con Ms. Morales, nuestra coordinadora de familias si tiene preguntas o necesita más ayuda (405) 677-5252 ext 108. Esperamos que este año sea lleno de éxito y logros para cada uno de ustedes. ¡Comparte su foto del primer día de clases en los comentarios!
Welcome to all students! We begin an exciting new school year filled with opportunities to learn and grow. Feel free to reach out to Ms. Morales, our family and homeless coordinator, if you have questions or need further assistance. (405) 677-5252 ext 108.
We hope this year will be full of success and achievements for each one of you. Share your first day of school photo in the comments!
Dress Code Examples‼️
Who is ready for school‼️ Crooked Oak starts tomorrow (Wednesday, August 16th)‼️
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Crooked Oak app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app after 8/16/23 . Download for Android Download for iPhone
¡Di “hola” a la mensajería bidireccional en la aplicación de Crooked Oak! La misma aplicación del distrito ahora ofrece transmisiones de clase, anuncios de clase y chat de padres y maestros. Busque su invitación personalizada para comenzar a usar esta función en nuestra aplicación. Descargar para 8/16/23 Android https: Download for iPhone Descargar para iPhone
Meet the Teacher Monday, August 14th from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm‼️
6th Graders -- This is a reminder that you have an assignment that must be turned it to Mrs. Gallagher on the first week of school. The students were asked to read an age appropriate book of their choosing, and make a project.
Estudiantes del 6º grado -- Este es un recordatorio de que tienen una tarea que debe ser entregada a la Sra. Gallagher en la primera semana de clases. Se pidió a los estudiantes que leyeran un libro apropiado para su edad de su elección, y que hicieran un proyecto.
Thank you to our wonderful maintenance staff for working hard all summer long to make the campus and schools look beautiful! We are excited to see the students soon!
Crooked Oak T-shirts are available at Administration
Youth to XL $10
2X-3X $12
Please join us in welcoming our new Crooked Oak staff! Go Ruf-Nex!! ¡Acompáñanos para dar la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo personal de Crooked Oak! ¡¡Vamos Ruf-Nex!!
Orgullosos de nuestra coordinadora Ms. Morales quien fue nominada como la Educadora Multicultural de EduSkills/ Proud of our very own Ms. Morales nominated as the EduSkills Multilingual Educator of the Year #EDS #COPride
School Supply List
Follow the link to sign up for a one-week academy where your Pre-K/Kinder child will learn how to prepare their social, emotional, and academic skills before the first day of school! Monday, July 31st through Thursday, August 4th |
¡Siga el enlace para inscribirse para nuestra academia de una semana donde su hijo de Pre-K / Kinder aprenderá cómo preparar sus habilidades sociales, emocionales y académicas antes del primer día de clases! Lunes, 31 de julio a Jueves, 4 de agosto |